Working Together
I take the stewardship of our collective resources very seriously. I ask that you re-elect me as your
National Secretary-Treasurer so I can continue to work with you, and for you, as we take on and
win the many struggles for justice and equity ahead.
Resources for Members
Every dollar of CUPE’s revenue comes from members. Every dollar we spend must advance our
members’ interests. I have kept CUPE’s finances strong and made sure CUPE locals, provincial
divisions, bargaining councils, and staff have resources to fight. Direct support for members will
always be my top priority.
Fighting for Real Gains
CUPE members are struggling to pay high grocery bills, gas, credit interest or rent. Across sectors,
our members are experiencing crisis in worker retention and recruitment, and that is driving up
workloads and increasing burnout. The surge in the cost of living, combined with worsening work
conditions, have inspired worker militancy. CUPE members everywhere are demanding more.
We want real wage increases, especially for the lowest paid, who are predominantly racialized,
Indigenous, women, and workers with disabilities.
A Safer, Inclusive Union
I championed the creation of an office focusing on support and prevention on issues of sexual
harassment and gender-based violence in our union. Our employment equity staffing plan is
beginning to show results. But we must do much more in the months ahead. I will keep us moving
forward because a safer and inclusive union is a stronger union.
You Can Count On Me
I will always support militant, coordinated action for equity, real wage increases, and pensions
for all. I will support financial assistance for coalitions, because CUPE can’t win alone – solidarity
matters. That’s also why I will strengthen support for organizing the unorganized. The more
members we represent, the more diverse we are, the stronger we are.

© Copyright 2023 Candace Rennick for CUPE National Secretary-Treasurer. All Rights Reserved.